
The sociology department offers two areas of possible concentration for majors, each building on the core elements of the major. 浓度是 required for the major. 有兴趣的同学, a concentration offers a guide to students seeking to specialize in the designated area while also signaling their expertise to potential employers and graduate schools. The concentration will be 不ed on a student’s transcript. 你可下载 社会学 浓度 Info Sheet (.pdf)在这里.


  • Declared sociology major.
  • An intended concentration must be declared before the start of the senior year. 
  • 学生 may only choose one area of concentration.



  • 研究 Methods and Data Analysis Concentration
  • Health and Society Concentration

研究 Methods and Data Analysis Concentration


A concentration in 研究 Methods and Data Analysis requires coursework covering a broad array of re搜索 methods, including both quantitative and qualitative methods, community engaged re搜索, and actual data analysis through coursework and senior capstone. This concentration is ideal for students interested in graduate-level study in data analysis, applied and evaluation re搜索, 流行病学, as well as those interested in careers in government, 项目评估, public opinion polling, and a broad array of non-profit organizations. 

Required 课程 in the Major (5 credits):

  • SO228社会理论
  • SO229 Sociological 研究 Design 
  • SO401 Quantitative 研究 Methods or SO402 Qualitative 研究 Methods
  • SO450 Senior Capstone (2 credits) – Must make use of a method(s) informed by course work. 


Additional Required 课程 (2 credits):

  • SO401 or SO402 (both must be taken for this concentration)
  • SO390 Advanced Topics: Community Based 研究 


At least one additional methods elective from the following (1 credit): 

  • SO290 Advanced Topics: Data Analysis and Visualization
  • SO311 Community Based Praxis
  • SO390 Visual Ethnography
  • Other options may become available in the department
  • Options from other departments (consult with your major advisor)


Questions about the 研究 Methods & Data Analysis Concentration? Contact Professor Gail Murphy-Geiss (gmurphygeiss@gzyyhc.com)

Health and Society Concentration


A concentration in Health and Society requires coursework covering re搜索 methodologies and theories of medical sociology, examining individual experience, institutional structures, laws and policies that affect health, and broader systems of inequality that lead to unequal rates of illness and access to care. This concentration is ideal for students interested in graduate-level study and social re搜索 on health and medicine, including 流行病学, as well as those interested in careers in public health, medicine or health care services, and health-related non-profit organizations. 

Required 课程 (5 credits):

  • SO228社会理论
  • SO229 Sociological 研究 Design
  • SO401 Quantitative Methods or SO402 Qualitative Methods 
  • SO450 Senior Capstone (2 credits) – Focus of capstone must fit concentration; may also satisfy the community engagement requirement of the concentration


At least three courses from the following (to be completed 之前 capstone) (3 credits):

  • SO246 社会学 of Health and Medicine
  • SO290 Advanced Topics: Rethinking Violence in Society
  • SO290 Advanced Topics: Global Health
  • SO290 Advanced Topics: Global Mental Health Policy
  • SO292 社会学 of Body and Health


Community Engagement Element (may or may 不 be for credit):

Options, subject to approval, include:

  • 实习. Possibilities include:
    • SO310 实习 in Social Organization with health organization
    • An approved independent internship with a health organization for which no credit is granted
    • Public Interest Fellowship Program internship (with health organization)
  • Approved study abroad program with a health focus and containing a community engagement or community-based re搜索 element. 学生 should consult with their advisor. Possible programs include those by SIT, HECUA, Augsburg, and American University.
  • Community engaged experience through the Collaborative for Community Engagement or 社会学 Department Program:
  • Community-Based 研究 experience (e.g., SO311 Community Based Praxis (PP) or similar)
  • SO390 Community Based 研究 (contingent on partners in any particular year; consult with Dr. 红色的)

Capstone that involves CBR or community engagement/action with a health organization


Questions about the Health and Society Concentration? Contact Professor Wade Roberts (wrobers@gzyyhc.com)

报告问题 - 最后更新: 05/17/2022